像世界上那些的孩子们一样,桑提亚格(库诺•贝克饰)有一个梦想,就是成为职业足球运动员。但是,身居洛杉矶贫民区的他,只是个墨西哥来的穷小子,职业足球运动员,对他仅仅是一个梦。直到有一天,命运的大门向桑提亚格敞开,英国超级联赛的纽卡斯尔联队向他敞开了大门。突然间,桑提亚格成为了阿兰•希勒、马丁•泰勒、大卫•贝克汉姆等人中的一员。幸福来的太快让桑提亚格迷失了方向,职业球员的训练远比他经历过的困难,面对挫折与挑战,桑提亚格向着自己的球星之梦前进。Santiago's father, Hernan Munez, smuggled his penniless Mexican family over the US border to seek a better, albeit modest future in L.A. Eldest son Santiago dreams of more, like native Angelinos, then joining Hernan's gardening firm. His change arrives when a British ex-pro spots him as an exceptional soccer natural and promises he can arrange a real British talent scout to check him out. Although that falls trough and dad forbids it, Santiago accepts grandma's savings to try out with English premier league club Newcastle. Despite his asthma, he gets in and befriends the freshly transferred, desperately undisciplined bad boy star scorer, party animal Gavin Harris, who becomes his bothersome house-mate, a recipe for trouble and yet each's salvation.