美国猎手American Hunter(1988)

主演:克里斯托弗·米彻姆 Christopher Mitchum/Bill Wallace/Ida Iasha

导演:Arizal / 编剧:Deddy Armand



美国猎手主演:克里斯托弗·米彻姆 Christopher Mitchum/Bill Wallace/Ida Iasha, 杰克·卡弗,一个穷凶极恶的坏人猎手,试图找回一部包含信息的缩微电影,这些信息会引起华尔街的恐慌和西方政府的经济危机。邪恶的亚当(Adam)和他的追随者弗兰克•戈登(Frank Gordon)也在寻找这部微电影。他们计划将缩微胶片卖给国际恐怖分子或对西方怀有敌意的政府。杰克坚持自己的努力,尽管他曾被抓获和拷打,尽管他的女朋友珍妮特被绑架。随之而来的是拳击赛、爆炸和汽车追逐。
Jake Carver, lethal hunter of bad guys, tries to retrieve a microfilm containing information which would cause a Wall Street panic and an economic crisis for Western governments. Also seeking the microfilm are the villainous Adam and his henchman Frank Gordon. They plan to sell the microfilm to international terrorists or to governments hostile to the West. Jake perseveres in his efforts, despite being captured and tortured at one point, and despite his girlfriend Janet being kidnapped. Fist fights, explosions, and car chases ensue.


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