BBC地平线:新奥尔良的陷落The Lost City of New Orleans(2006)

主演:伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill

导演:Milla Harrison-Hansley / 


BBC地平线:新奥尔良的陷落主演:伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill, 科学家们调查为什么新奥尔良的防洪设施未能保护它来自卡特里娜飓风的破坏。 随着城市下沉,全球海平面上升以及保护它的海岸线消失——促使专家怀疑它应该被重建。   Scientists investigate why New Orleans' flood defences failed to protect it from the ravages of Hurricane Katrina. As the city sinks, global sea levels are rising and the coastline that protects it is disappearing - prompting experts to wonder whether it should be rebuilt at all.


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