爸爸参军去Toen mijn vader een struik werd(2016)

又名:When My Father Became a Bush

主演:Celeste Holsheimer/Matsen Montsma/Teun Kuilboer/Noortje Herlaar

导演:Nicole van Kilsdonk / 

上映日期:2016-09-10(多伦多电影节) / 2017-03-22(荷兰)片长:85M


爸爸参军去主演:Celeste Holsheimer/Matsen Montsma/Teun Kuilboer/Noortje Herlaar, 電影由十歲小女生Toda的角度出發,講述一個關於戰爭的故事。從小像溫室小花一樣活在身為糕餅師爸爸的保護之下,從未想過爸爸會因為被徵召出征而離開身旁。祖母不忍Toda繼續留在危險的鎮上,所以計劃把Toda送到媽媽的身邊。但卻非遇非人,弄得Toda身無分文地獨自踏上尋找媽媽的旅程。雖沒有能力可以代父從軍,但Toda亦以不輸於花木蘭般的勇氣面對難關。戰爭、難民、語言障礙等,電影中的故事看似沉重,但導演卻以輕快的節奏,以孩童角度拍出成年人如何處理複雜議題。
Before Toda's father became a bush, he was a pastry chef. Everyday he would rise before dawn to make many kinds of pastries and cakes. Then, one day, everything changes. War breaks out in the south and Toda's father has to defend his country. Toda is sent to stay with her mother, who lives in a neighboring land - not a simple journey in wartime. But Toda is a plucky girl who doesn't give up easily; she is determined to find her mother. An adventurous story with laughs, thrills and emotion.


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