出了什么事,老虎百合?What's Up, Tiger Lily?(1966)



导演:谷口千吉 / 伍迪·艾伦 / 编剧:Woody Allen/Julie Bennett



出了什么事,老虎百合?主演:三桥达也/若林映子/滨美枝, 影片的主角是一个日本的“007”,他正在寻找世界上最美妙的鸡蛋色拉的制作方法,因为世界的安危就取决于这个制作方法落在谁的掌握之中。邪恶势力的代表力量,也准备利用这个制作秘方控制整个世界。   双方理所当然地经过交手、胜负、再交手,再胜负,而影片的最后结局也当然还是这个日本007战胜邪恶势力,用鸡蛋色拉拯救了整个地球。更加理所当然的,等待他归来的是搔首弄姿的美女情人,她们正盼望着“用最原始的方式给他带来无穷的乐趣和满足”。
Writer/director Woody Allen explains that when he was asked to supervise the making of the definitive spy thriller, what he decided to do was acquire the rights to a B-grade Japanese spy caper (Key of Keys (1965)) filmed with Japanese actors in Japanese, delete the existing soundtrack, and redub into English and reorder select scenes to create an entirely new movie, a comedy, having nothing to do with the original story-line. The result... International spy Phil Moscowitz, working out of the Asia bureau, is a self-professed lovable rogue with sex always on his mind. He inadvertently gets involved in a mission, the client the Grand Exalted High Majah of Raspur. The success of the mission will determine if Raspur, a non-existent country that nonetheless sounds real, will indeed become real. Moscowitz is to retrieve something stolen from the Majah by criminal Shepherd Wong: the best ever egg salad recipe. Phil is to be assisted by two of the Majah's own agents, sisters Teri and Suki Yaki, the latter a recent prison escapee. The mission becomes more difficult when they learn that Shepherd is an egg salad junkie who will do anything to keep the recipe. The mission gets even more complicated when they also learn that they are in competition to retrieve the recipe by Wing Fat, another criminal who plans to steal the recipe then sell it back to addicted Shepherd. The success or failure of the mission for Phil and the Yaki sisters may be dependent if they receive the extra help needed from the audience and the projectionist at the cinemas where the movie is playing.

