大富翁趣事The Wheeler Dealers(1963)

主演:James Garner/丽·莱米克 Lee Remick/Phil Harris

导演:阿瑟·希勒 / 编剧:George J.W. Goodman



大富翁趣事主演:James Garner/丽·莱米克 Lee Remick/Phil Harris, 一部对纽约华尔街的股票掮客大开玩笑的智慧型喜剧。詹姆斯.加纳饰演一名能说会道的骗子,在德州的荒地上煞有介事地要搞公司开采石油。李.雷米克服务的股票公司老板信以为真决定投资,并派李.雷米克负责这个案子。不料那些原来以为装模作样的油井突然挖出石油,加纳也真的成了百万富翁,并且还赢得美人芳心。导演阿瑟.希勒把美国金融界喜欢投机冒险,买空卖空的习性成功地转化成喜剧素材,在西部喜剧之中混入了纽约风味,娱乐效果别竖一帜。
Henry J. Tyroone leaves Texas where his oil wells are drying up and arrives in New York with a lot of oil money to play with in the stock market. He meets stock analyst Molly Thatcher, who he falls in love with. She tries to ignore the attention he lavishes on her, but, in the end, she falls for his charm.

