Doing Impossikible Stunts(1940)

主演:Margie Hines/Jack Mercer

导演:Dave Fleischer / 编剧:Jack Ward



Doing Impossikible Stunts主演:Margie Hines/Jack Mercer, 在名为Mystery Pictures Inc.的电影公司门口,摆放着一个招收特技演员的启事。与此同时,大街的另一头走来了大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音),他一只手夹着记录了自己英勇冒险画面的录影带,一只手甩着牛仔的绳圈,信心满满地展示自己的才华。他的身后跟着可爱的小甜豆,原来这个小家伙也想应聘特技演员,可是却遭到大力水手的嘲笑,继而被赶回家中。到了电影公司后,大力水手为导演播放他的特技场面,里面有他和布鲁托开飞机空战的镜头、高台跳水的精彩画面、单人快速修建布鲁克林大桥的奇迹时刻以及小甜豆误闯工厂的惊险记录……   当他认为胜券在握之时,结果却出乎意料……
Mystery Pictures is looking for a stunt man. Swee'pea tags along with Popeye, but he sends the tot home. Popeye shows clips of his stunts to the director, who is impressed; when he goes to put on the last reel, Swee'pea, who snuck back in, hands him Lost and Foundry (1937), which features Swee'pea saving the day. The director signs Swee'pea.

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