歌剧理发师Rabbit of Seville(1950)

主演:Mel Blanc

导演:查克·琼斯 / 编剧:Michael Maltese



歌剧理发师主演:Mel Blanc, 在一座毗邻郊外山野的露天剧院,即将上演一部著名的夏日歌剧《赛维尔的理发师》。夜幕降临,观众们悄无声息,齐齐入场,静静等待精彩演出的上演。可就在剧场的后方,从山坡的另一头响起阵阵枪声,兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)以飞快的速度跑来,后面紧紧追随着残暴无情的猎人。兔子打开剧场后门,逃了进去,随后悄悄拉开剧场大幕,开启灯光。乐队以为演出正式开始,随即演奏。不知所措的猎人站在舞台中央,他本想悄悄溜下台去,可是兔八哥早已打扮成理发师的模样站在台上,伴着音乐演唱起来,并且不由分说将猎人带入剧情中,将对方好一阵戏耍。   回过味来的猎人怎能忍受兔子的戏弄,旋即提着猎枪继续追杀,别样的歌剧就这样推进全然不知走向的剧情……
Behind the Hollywood Bowl stage which is playing the opera, The Barber of Seville, Bugs Bunny flees into the backstage area with Elmer Fudd in close pursuit. Seeing his opportunity to fight on his terms, Bugs raises the curtain on Elmer, trapping him on stage. As the orchestra begins playing, Bugs comes into play as the barber who is going to make sure that Elmer is going to get a grooming he will never forget.


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