滑头绅士闯通关The Distinguished Gentleman(1992)

又名:抢钱绅士 / 高贵的绅士

主演:艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy

导演:乔纳森·林恩 / 编剧:Jonathan Reynolds/Marty Kaplan



滑头绅士闯通关主演:艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy, 江湖骗子约翰逊他在无意中得到一张很久以前的国会议员通行证,而且证件上的名字碰巧也叫约翰逊。出于职业的本能,聪明狡黠的他巧换身份。约翰逊很快掌握了政治的游戏规则,并决定用自己的方式对其进行反击。
A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise, Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists. But soon he learns the nature of the game and decides to fight back the only way he knows how, with a con.

