禁卫军叛乱La rivolta dei pretoriani(1964)

又名:La rivolta dei pretoriani

主演:理查德·哈里森 Richard Harrison/Moira Orfei/朱利安诺·基玛 Giuliano Gemma/Piero Lulli

导演:Alfonso Brescia / 编剧:Gian Paolo Callegari



禁卫军叛乱主演:理查德·哈里森 Richard Harrison/Moira Orfei/朱利安诺·基玛 Giuliano Gemma/Piero Lulli, 罗马人民在皇帝Domitian和他的埃及情妇Artamne统治下被激怒了,一位神秘的勇士奋起反抗皇帝——一个被称为“红狼”的蒙面人
Rome chafes under the rule of the Emperor Domitian and his Egyptian mistress, Artamne. A mysterious champion arises to fight against the Emperor -- a masked man known as the Red Wolf. In fact, the Red Wolf is Valerius Rufus, one of the Emperor's trusted centurions who's aided by none other than the Emperor's court jester, the diminutive Elpidion. Rebels in league with Valerius kidnap Artamne, planning to exchange her for two of their imprisoned colleagues, but Artamne escapes and soon both Valerius, (now exposed as the Red Wolf), and his fiancee, Lucilla, are sentenced to be immersed in a cauldron of molten lead. Valerius's friends, however, rise up to rescue him and to liberate Rome.


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