

主演:Lukas Gregorowicz/沃坦·维尔克·默林 Wotan Wilke Möhring/尤斯图斯·冯·多赫纳尼 Justus von Dohnányi/Anna Dereszowska/丽萨·波特霍夫 Lisa Potthoff/Charly Hübner/Filip Peeters/Sybille J. Schedwill/Eric Bouwer/Sebastian Kroehnert/Daniel Flieger/Joan Pascu/Adem Yüksel/Petra Welteroth/Anne Bolik

导演:克里斯蒂安·曲贝特 / 编剧:Christian Zübert



精装主演:Lukas Gregorowicz/沃坦·维尔克·默林 Wotan Wilke Möhring/尤斯图斯·冯·多赫纳尼 Justus von Dohnányi/Anna Dereszowska/丽萨·波特霍夫 Lisa Potthoff/Charly Hübner/Filip Peeters/Sybille J. Schedwill/Eric Bouwer/Sebastian Kroehnert/Daniel Flieger/Joan Pascu/Adem Yüksel/Petra Welteroth/Anne Bolik, 31岁的克里斯多夫是个超级大帅哥,可惜一大把年纪了还是王老五,他唯一拿的出手的家当是一辆雷诺汽车,他是一个文艺青年,老梦想着成为一个大作家,在文学史上留下光辉的一页,但说实话他的文笔实在平平。因为他的薪水难以糊口,所以又兼职打工,为人提供租车服务。某天,克里斯多夫无意间目睹了一起窃车事件,一个年轻人偷了租车行的BMW7系跑车,克里斯多夫起初惊慌失措的,过了一会他觉得这是一个机会。这个满怀文学理想的青年打算借此机会打入窃车团伙内部,为他正在创作的犯罪侦探小说收集素材。在多米尼克的介绍下,克里斯多夫入了伙,可是摆在这个天真文学青年面前的是一大堆麻烦和灾难……
Christopher, 31, tolerably good-looking but frustrated single and proud owner of a little Renault car, is dreaming of a celebrated career as an author. But he is stuck on writing dime novels. And because his salary is not nearly enough he part-times at a car rental agency. On one of those days, Christopher witnesses an especially perky theft. A young man starts to tamper with a class 7 BMW of the rental car company and rushes off. The young author is appalled but suddenly has a great idea. What if he could use this professional for a research project in the criminal environment? He could be within the presence of real gangsters for his research for an authentic crime novel. So Christopher starts hanging out with Dominic. And after a few difficulties at the start, the hit it off and Dominick introduces him into the underworld. Christopher is thrilled. But Dominic emerges to be an unreliable and unpredictable jack ass, who steers Christopher from one catastrophe to the next.


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