女奴超越无限Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity(1987)

主演:Elizabeth Kaitan/Cindy Beal/Don Scribner/布琳克·史蒂文斯 Brinke Stevens

导演:Ken Dixon (I) / 编剧:Ken Dixon (I)/Richard Connell (I)



女奴超越无限主演:Elizabeth Kaitan/Cindy Beal/Don Scribner/布琳克·史蒂文斯 Brinke Stevens, 达拉和缇沙历尽艰险终于从星际飞船的“黑狱”中逃脱来到一个星球上,之后又遇到了可怕的变异人。就在千钧一发之际,一个神秘男子的出现救了她们一命。这个名叫茈德的男人带领她们来到了一座古堡内并盛情款待了她们,并结识了另几名来此避难的奴隶少女。少女们正在为找到栖息之所而安心的时候,他们却意外发现了茈德令人震惊的秘密:他要将她们变成性奴机器。少女们为了重获自由,又一次踏上了逃亡之路。然而茈德不会轻易放过她..BY:http://www.ppys.cc/rebo/nvnuchaoyuewuxian/
Lovely and resourceful Daria and Tisa escape a space gulag only to crash land on a nearby world where a guy in tight pants named Zed is playing The Most Dangerous Game. Zed turns the girls and another guest loose in his jungle preserve to serve as the prey in a mad hunt. Armed only with knives and their wits, the girls must battle their way accross the jungle to a hidden arms cache before Zed catches and kills them.

