佩蒂奥医生Docteur Petiot(1990)

又名:Dr. Petiot

主演:米歇尔·塞罗 Michel Serrault

导演:克里斯蒂安·德·夏隆治 / 编剧:Dominique Garnier



佩蒂奥医生主演:米歇尔·塞罗 Michel Serrault, 影片根据马塞尔·佩蒂奥的真实故事改编。二战期间,纳粹德国占领下的法国巴黎,佩蒂奥医生承诺帮助他病人中富有的犹太人,逃离被占领的法国去西班牙。可是相反,他却毒死了这些富人,把他们的尸体在家里烧掉,并占有这些人的贵重物品。法国解放后,他被发现并被判处了死刑。   原文地址:http://i.mtime.com/2859432/blog/8026908/
Based on the real life of Dr. Marcel Petiot: During world war II Petiot, an MD living in occupied Paris, promised to help wealthy Jewish people among his patients to flee occupied France for Spain. Instead, he drugged them and burnt their bodies in his home, while stealing their valuables. After the Liberation of France, he was condemned to death.


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