

主演:杰奇.巴格纳尼 Jacky Bhagnani/妮哈.沙尔玛 Neha Sharma/Farooq Shaikh/波曼·伊拉妮 Boman Irani/Kayoze Irani/Mita Vasisht

导演:赛义德·艾哈迈德·阿夫扎尔 / 编剧:拉米兹.伊尔哈姆汗 Ramiz Ilham Khan/赛义德·艾哈迈德·阿夫扎尔 Syed Ahmed Afzal



青春斯坦主演:杰奇.巴格纳尼 Jacky Bhagnani/妮哈.沙尔玛 Neha Sharma/Farooq Shaikh/波曼·伊拉妮 Boman Irani/Kayoze Irani/Mita Vasisht, 这是一部讲述年轻总理如何叱咤政坛以及他与女友的爱情故事.   阿比曼尤(杰奇·本格拉尼饰)原本和女友安妮塔(内哈·夏尔马饰)在日本自由自在地生活,‘可父亲因癌症过世,使他不得不回到印度,接受父亲的委托进入政坛.但是大选在即,阿比曼尤遭遇麻烦不断,年仅28岁的阿比曼尤将如何平衡女友与总理一职? 刚入政坛的年轻人又如何与老奸巨猾的政客斗智斗勇? 阿比曼尤能否最终完成父亲临终的委托呢...
Abhimanyu Kaul - a young, independent, Games Developer, living in Japan and the love of his life, Anwita Chauhan - a bubbly, passionate and full of life, summer intern. Their happy and content life faces the test of time, when blood ties and the pressure of being born into the first family of India tears a young Abhimanyu between his love for Anwita and a promise made to his dying father, the Prime Minister of India. Being a public figure, by reluctantly accepting to represent the governing party, much against his own wishes and at the cost of his private life, is a double-edged sword that Abhimanyu must walk on.

