随时随地杀死你Hatred of a Minute(2002)

主演:Gunnar Hansen/Michael Kallio/Tracee Newberry

导演:Michael Kallio / 编剧:Michael Kallio/Lisa Jesswein



随时随地杀死你主演:Gunnar Hansen/Michael Kallio/Tracee Newberry, 一个悲剧的爱情故事/心理惊悚片,仇恨一分钟,是一个医疗转录员的故事,因为他的身体和精神上的虐待,成为连环杀手。他的思想在善与恶的战争中失去控制;在他的眼中,对与错以个人天使和魔鬼的形式出现。
A tragic love story/psychlogical thriller, Hatred of a Minute, is the story of a medical transcriptionist that becomes a serial killer because of his physically and mentally abusive past. His mind spirals out of control as a war between good and evil; right and wrong unfold in front of his eyes in the form of personal angels and demons.


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