太空堡垒—暗影编年Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles(2006)

主演:Richard Epcar/Eddie Frierson/马克·哈米尔 Mark Hamill/Alexandra Kenworthy/Yuri Lowenthal/Melanie MacQueen/Chase Masterson/Edie Mirman/Iona Morris/Tony Oliver/Arthur Santiago/Gregory Snegoff/Michael Sorich/Kari Wahlgren/Dan Woren

导演:Dong-Wook Lee / Tommy Yune / 编剧:Ford Riley/Frank Agrama



太空堡垒—暗影编年主演:Richard Epcar/Eddie Frierson/马克·哈米尔 Mark Hamill/Alexandra Kenworthy/Yuri Lowenthal/Melanie MacQueen/Chase Masterson/Edie Mirman/Iona Morris/Tony Oliver/Arthur Santiago/Gregory Snegoff/Michael Sorich/Kari Wahlgren/Dan Woren, 瑞克·卡特率领的远征军在宇宙深处取得节节胜利,并和反抗因维人的外星人结成“哨兵同盟”。但就在2031年,地球为瑞吉斯所率领的因维人占领。2044年,远征军调转方向,开始朝着人类古老的家园——地球挺进。借助哨兵同盟成员海顿星人帮助,爱德华兹将军将舰队全部配备暗影技术,它可使舰队不被因维人的探查设备所发现。此外,远征军还依靠海顿星人开发出更为强劲的中子S导弹。为了将因维人赶出地球,不惜牺牲半个星球为代价。   在此期间,SDF-3神秘失踪,瑞克也发现中子S导弹的奇怪之处。他告诫远征军不要使用这个致命的武器。但远征军已向因维人发起最后的攻击……
The Robotech Expeditionary Force stages their final assault on the Invid to liberate Earth at all costs along with REF pilot Scott Bernard and the Invid princess Ariel's parallel planetside efforts at the alien's stronghold, Reflex Point. Just before the attack, the fleet gets a distress call from Admiral Rick Hunter and their flagship, SDF-3. In the ensuing mission, which only manages to rescue the android Janice Em, the REF discover that they have been betrayed by their own ally, the Haydenites, whose powerful technology they have supplied now is revealed to be designed to devastatingly enable their own plans of conquest even as the Invid withdraw. As Scott and Ariel join the fleet, the disparate pair and Janice must overcome their comrade's deep distrust to find a means to stop their newest foe before it is too late.

