小宠物The Mascot(1933)

又名:The Devil's Ball / 福神 / 魔鬼球


导演:拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇 / 编剧:拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇 Wladyslaw Starewicz



影片讲述贫穷的母女相依为命,母亲靠制作玩偶维持生活,患病在床的小女孩想吃桔子却不可得。母亲的泪水让玩具小狗活了过来。在湾欧小狗和其余几个玩具被运送到玩具店的途中,匪徒带领其他玩具逃走。小狗被人买走成为汽车上的挂饰,最后也流落街头并得到一个桔子。夜幕下的城市里,魔鬼召集稀奇古怪的玩偶们聚会,想得到这个桔子。经过一番混战,小狗终于成功将桔子送回小女孩家。   ——————引自《看电影·午夜场》
A toy stuffed dog has just been sewn together when it hears a young child ask for an orange. The child's mother explains that they have no money, and so she cannot buy any oranges. The dog is then packed up along with a box full of other toys to be sold, but it soon winds up in the street. The dog picks up an orange from a curbside stand, and hopes to take it home to the child. But that night, before the dog can get back to the child's home, it must face a series of strange and frightening adventures.


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