小老鼠的歌Песенка мышонка(1967)

又名:Pesenka myshonka

主演:阿列克谢·格里波夫 Aleksei Gribov/Aleksandr Grave/Aleksandra Panova/Boris Runge/Klara Rumyanova

导演:尤里·普里特科夫 / 编剧:Ekaterina Karganova



小老鼠的歌主演:阿列克谢·格里波夫 Aleksei Gribov/Aleksandr Grave/Aleksandra Panova/Boris Runge/Klara Rumyanova, 懒惰的小老鼠总想引人注目,于是边弹吉他边唱歌。他的新歌没能吸引大森林里的居民们关注。居民们都在各忙各的,我们的小老鼠失去了听众。大家建议他干点有用的,但他一点也不急于工作。他能克服他的懒癌吗?
Lazy little mouse used to always be the center of attention, playing the guitar and singing something. And now his new song with a simple motif and memorable words fell to the liking of forest dwellers. Each of them is busy with things to do, and soon our hero is left without listeners. The animals advise him to do something useful too, but the little mouse is not in a hurry to work. Will he be able to overcome his laziness, or will he run through the forest, singing songs?


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