勇斗三人Trois hommes à abattre(1980)

又名:Three Men to Destroy / Three Men to Kill (USA)

主演:阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon/达莉拉·迪·拉扎罗 Dalila Di Lazzaro/Pierre Dux

导演:雅克·德雷 / 编剧:阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon/雅克·德雷 Jacques Deray



勇斗三人主演:阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon/达莉拉·迪·拉扎罗 Dalila Di Lazzaro/Pierre Dux, 一个夜晚,Michel Gerfaut发现了一起自称医院建筑事故的事情。然而在现场,一切发生变化地太快了,于是,本着彻查到底的精神,Michel Gerfaut开始调查,但是他越深入了解,越发现,原来真相并不是很简单的……
A man helps the victim of an auto accident, not realizing that the man has actually been shot. The men who shot him are now after the man who helped him, in order to eliminate him as a potential witness. Soon they are killing everyone he even comes in contact with in order to get him.

