
又名:缘分2000 / Luck, Wonderful!

主演:吴奇隆 Nicky Wu/赵薇 Wei Zhao/何润东 Peter Ho/李绮虹 Theresa Lee

导演:曹建南 / 编剧:曹建南 Kin-Nam Cho



缘,妙不可言主演:吴奇隆 Nicky Wu/赵薇 Wei Zhao/何润东 Peter Ho/李绮虹 Theresa Lee, 故事发生在九十年代的上海。薇薇(赵薇 饰演)是旅行社导游,阿虹(李绮虹 饰)是某公司职员,她们俩是一对好朋友。隆(吴奇隆 饰)来自台湾,为逃避婚姻从台北来上海音乐学院进修音乐。东(何润东 饰)是来自香港的公子哥,在上海开了一家电脑商店。   一天,薇薇和阿虹到电脑商城去买电脑,在自动扶梯上不巧撞倒了对面走来的隆,隆新买的电脑翻落在地。而走在前面的薇薇全然不知,踏进东的店铺,老板东向她介绍起电脑。不久,隆和虹在他们身后出现,四人目光交错;顿产生奇妙感觉。然而,这第一面的缘份却没有发展下去。但是,星移斗转,同地同时,这奇妙一幕重演……
How does fate work in love? This is main theme examined in this movie. When we begin, there are two storylines taking place, until the "fated" couples are paired...but are they really the right couples? Or has fate got another twist in store? At first Vivien is charmed by Peter's blunt nature, and Peter by her opposing stands. Meanwhile, Vicki and Nicky have a great time together, simply enjoying each other's simpleness. The tables turn however, when Peter moves to Hong Kong for family problems, and Vicki too has to leave for her studies...


日期 资源名称
2021-08-23 【480p标清中文字幕】缘,妙不可言迅雷下载.1999.361.95mb.torrent
