周六夜现场:杰瑞米·雷纳/Maroon 5Saturday Night Live Jeremy Renner/Maroon 5(2012)

主演:杰瑞米·雷纳 Maroon 5 




第三十八季第8集 出演了《复仇者联盟》和《谍影重重四》的杰瑞米·雷纳来到现场担任主持,并在现场展示了他少有人知的钢琴和唱歌才能。周六夜现场也不忘调侃一下正处于风口浪尖的CIA将军和两个情妇的丑闻。一身红衣的Maroon 5作为音乐嘉宾,主唱亚当还参与到雷纳的枪战片中。
After Paula Broadwell (Strong) reads salacious pages from her biography of David Petraeus, Jeremy Renner hosts, playing rejected movie theme songs on a piano, an attorney on "The Californians," a gunman in an intimate Mexican standoff, an arrowless Hawkeye in "The Avengers," a A-list actor in a scene with an over-amped extra, the putative mayor of Tampa commenting about Jill Kelley to CNN, a clueless guy asked to identify his brother's body at a morgue. There's a cartoon about drones, an appearance by Chris Christie on "Weekend Update," a commercial for the Hometown Tourism Board, and performances by Maroon 5 of "One More Night" and "Daylight."

周六夜现场:杰瑞米·雷纳/Maroon 5:最新迅雷BT下载资源

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