卡到阴โคลิค เด็กเห็นผี(2006)

又名:灵婴煞(台) / Colic: dek hen pee


主演:萍潘·查莱库珀 维塔亚·瓦苏格来帕讪 Kulthida Sattabongkoch 

导演:皮查农·塔玛杰拉 / 


事业一路攀升的OL裴儿(Pympan Chalayanacupt 饰)突然发现自己怀有身孕,几经思虑,她决定辞职和同居男友阿平(Vittaya Wasukraipaisan 饰)结婚,并搬到空气清新的郊外,全身心等待新生命的到来。婚后的生活平淡无奇,波澜不惊。就在离预产期还有一星期的时候,隔壁阿班加的熊熊大火及现场的惨状令裴儿受到惊吓,提前生产。不幸中的万幸,裴儿最终产下一名健康男婴。   新生儿经常莫名其妙大哭,令阿平夫妇甚为焦急。经医生诊断,孩子可能患有一种名为“腹绞痛”的疾病。然而随着时间的流逝,他们发现事情远不像医生说得那么简单。每当孩子哭时,便会有人死去。孩子似乎能够看到成人看不到的东西……
Plot Summary:Colic is a syndrome found in infants, which causes infants to cry continuously for hours. The reason behind this illness is usually credited by medical expects to a number of factors. However, some people believe that it's linked to something supernatural. "Colic" tells a story of a couple (Pongpob and Phraeploy) who have a shotgun wedding upon discovering that Praeploy has unexpectedly become pregnant. After the wedding, Pongpob brings Phraeploy to his mother's suburban home. The night before Praeploy delivers the child, the house next to theirs catches on fire. When the baby is delivered, and is brought to their house, he screams and cries with no reason. The doctor considers the baby has colic, and tells the couple that the ailment will disappear when the baby turns 3 to 6 months old. Several months later, the baby still hasn't stopped crying...while the family's members encounter to mysterious and unexplained experiences.


Lara • 是BB周围的人卡到阴了


酸辣小星星 • 当欧美惊悚片随便看看

看了就一个感觉,这孩子天生就是个索命鬼。 也真是亏了他爸妈这么护着他,却是可怜了那善良的婆婆和好心的

赤道飛行 • 有良心的恐怖片
