

主演:Casey Heflin Glenn Payne Dunlap Peeples IV 

导演:迈克尔·威廉斯 / 编剧:Michael Williams


In a dry and dusty post-apocalyptic world, two wayfarers wander aimlessly until Leif finds a copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Using the world around him to interpret what he reads, Leif allows the book to challenge the beliefs, friendship, and even the very survival of these two divergent travelers.
Plot Summary:In a dry and dusty post-apocalyptic world, two wayfarers wander aimlessly until Leif finds a copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Using the world around him to interpret what he reads, Leif ...


双城记 • 《末世仙踪》剧情

世界被毁灭很多年后,人迹罕至,野草丛生,所有得不到水分补充的人类会慢慢干枯,最后变成灰尘。 Emri