
这部电影音乐是由阿根廷探戈大师阿斯特·皮亚佐拉创作的。BT上有个皮亚佐拉电影配乐的全集,包括索拉纳斯的《Sur》在内,4.7G,大半是flac文件,感兴趣的朋友可以去找找。用google关键词"Il pleut sur Santiago Astor Piazzolla"即可。

本片出品国家是法国和保加利亚,看到片尾字幕工作人员里“XX夫(-v)”一大群。片子主要讲法语,仅部分阿连德的讲话是原版西班牙语录音。显然不是实拍也不会是实拍。法国驻智利的记者占据了一个重要视点。查了一下导演Helvio Soto的资料,英文的很少,imdb提供资料如下:

Date of Birth:21 February 1930, Santiago, Chile(February 21)
Date of Death:29 November 2001, Santiago, Chile(November 29)






1、Helvio Soto一度流亡法国。


3、1969年拍过一个貌似很牛的关于太平洋战争的片子《Caliche sangriento》(Bloody Nitrate,姑且译作“血腥硝石矿”,“was a critical look at the conflict between Chile, Peru and Bolivia.”目前一批专家正在修复这个片子。最近Helvio Soto被智利重新关注也来自这个片子。



有一段关于Helvio Soto的介绍:(google翻译后的)

The lawyer Helvio Soto (1930-2001) is considered one of the most important film directors of our country, stressing, especially in the period of so-called Nuevo Cine Chileno. After working as an assistant in Argentina and radio stations of Ecuador, returns to Chile at a time when the cinema was experiencing significant growth.

His first film was "I had a comrade," who performed with the support of the Experimental Theater at the University of Chile in 1964. After his early short films, Helvio Soto made "Monday, 1 Sunday 7," feature film, with photographs of Ferdinand Bellet. After filming "Bloody Caliche," which was censored by the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva to pressure from the military.

When launching the government of Salvador Allende in 1970, Helvio Soto assumed administrative duties at National Television, exercising his parallel job as director of several television series. In 1971 he performed his next feature film "Voto more rifle," a critical eye on the history of Chile, which was received on an irregular basis. Later films "Metamorphosis of the head of the political police," which fails to be exhibited in Chile because of the coup d'état, however, as presented in Europe. His filmography continues with "It's raining on Santiago," his first film 'European', which portrays the days of the coup d'état, torture, abductions and disappearances, was acclaimed in Europe, Asia and North America, but banned by the Chilean dictatorship.

Helvio Soto lives in exile and returned to Chile but not until the nineties, where he begins a teaching career, which trains new generations of filmmakers, giving them a perspective of cinema as an artistic expression committed more than a purely commercial activity. He died on November 29, 2001 to 71 years.

如此说来,还有“智利电影新浪潮”(El Nuevo Cine Chileno)这个东西存在啊……
根据这段材料,Helvio Soto在阿连德时期管理智利国家电视台,同时导演了几部电视剧(根据imdb材料,仅有"Loco estero, El" (1968) TV series (1968) 一部,大约两者必有一个有误)。1973年的电影被军政府禁映。流亡欧洲之后拍摄了著名的《圣地亚哥在下雨》,在欧洲、亚洲、北美轰动(看到Imdb的一个影评说北美某次放映之后全体起立鼓掌5分钟),同样必然被禁映……

在这个网页上没有比上面贴出来的那段英文更多的信息了……于是搜索的奥义就是——在这个地方:www.google.cl,嗯……这次的关键词是“Helvio Soto Filmografía”,不懂西班牙语的人便只好靠google了呀……
Helvio Soto: "The films that excite me are those that reveal a real concern for others"
Helvio Soto (1930 - 2001) is considered one of the most important film directors in Chile. Extended the studies of law and director of actors, and published the novels "Something like that" (1957), "The Pit" (1960), "Week after week" (1967) and the political essay "Revolution is freedom" (1963 ), Noted as a filmmaker before, especially in the period of so-called Nuevo Cine Chileno, with his sharp political content of films. His filmography includes "Monday 1, Sunday 7" (1968), "Caliche bloody" (1969), "Voto more gun" (1971), "Metamorphosis of the Chief of Police Politics" (1973), "It's raining on Santiago "(1975)," The triple death of the third character "(1980) and" Americonga "(1984). After his return from exile imposed by the criminal military dictatorship, Soto was devoted to teaching at the University of the Arts and Communication Sciences, forming new generations of filmmakers from the perspective of cinema as art rather than as a compromised activity purely commercial. In early 1974, when they began to prepare his film about the military coup, was interviewed by Argentine journalist Alfredo Andres (1934), Friend of the journal "Filming and Watch", in which 4 (Buenos Aires, January 1974 ) Appeared the note.


最后说两句关于这部电影的吧。当然,最上等的是皮亚佐拉的音乐,电影里音乐倒用的很节制,没怎么煽情。有三个段落很精彩,一个是阿连德和总统府剩下的18个人逐一战死的时候(虽然各种穿帮,比如人倒下了衣服上连弹孔都没有),升格镜头剪得很华丽,颇有吴宇森的范儿(当然我确定他那个时候还没有吴宇森),最上等的处理在于只有音乐而没有现场声。其二是体育馆里军政府处理闹事学生的大场面,作为一个段落很饱满。然后便是结尾,给聂鲁达送葬(国葬?)的场面。不过就影片而言,试图用全景式的手法来写,结果各说各的,不算成功,毕竟影片政治立场在前,而且Soto的选择是直接处理。另外则是对阿连德总统的处理,“扮演”阿连德的演员,除了战死的一场戏几乎没有正面镜头,我数了一下仅两三个,多是在画面的前景处露一个背影,或者是虚焦处理。基本没有台词,几次著名的讲话也是用录音。当然,在Soto的心里,阿连德是“不能被扮演”的。这部影片的价值在于直面的勇气和当然的左派立场。最有趣的一点是,皮诺切特政变的日期是——73年9月11日。911短片集里,Ken Loach正是用这一事件来形成与911的互文。似乎是因果报应,但实际情况并非如此,智利政变是新自由主义的胜利,是智利的悲剧,而911却是“人类”的灾难,是恐怖分子“反人类”的行为。如此我们还能说什么呢。



圣地亚哥在下雨Il pleut sur Santiago(1976)

又名:It's Raining On Santiago


主演:John Abbey 毕比·安德松 Dimitar Buynozov 

导演:埃尔维奥·索托 / 编剧:Georges Conchon/埃尔维奥·索托 Helvio Soto