食物浪费的故事Wasted! The Story of Food Waste(2017)

又名:浪費食物的故事(台) / 浪费了的粮食


主演:安东尼·鲍代恩 马利欧·巴塔利 John Morgan 

导演:Anna Chai / Nari Kye / 


揭露食物浪费的纪录片《Wasted! The Story Of Food Waste》发布预告,多名“厨神”如安东尼·波登、马雷欧·巴塔利等出镜,痛陈浪费食物的现状和危害:在美国40%的食物会被浪费,它们也是破坏生态的温室效应的气体最大来源之一等。而其实很多被人们唾弃的“垃圾”,可以变成好吃的食物。该片在翠贝卡电影节上获得好评,10月13日北美上映。
Plot Summary:The issue of food waste is presented in light of the statistics: forty percent of food produced for human consumption in the US goes to waste; over ninety percent of this amount will end up in the landfill, where the waste produces methane gas - a greenhouse gas - in an anaerobic process as no oxygen is able to get to the material to decompose it; the cost of food waste is $1 trillion annually; and that there is still a global problem of human hunger despite the food that goes to waste. Food activists, including chefs, some of the celebrity variety, discuss the issue largely in context of the Environmental Protections Agency's (EPA) food pyramid which lists the preferred priority for the food produced (in order): that it reach humans for consumption; that it be used for animal/livestock feed; that it be converted into energy in the form of compost and/or something that can be used or converted for use, such as into electricity. They discuss the measures that some individuals, ...


酒仙桥14号 • 满分推荐!这部颠覆三观的良心之作,绝不该只有300人看过

不知从什么时候开始,出现了一群直播吃东西的人。 镜头前大快朵颐的播主们很快吸引了大批拥趸。 接着就有

一个文艺的傻子 • 这个泛文化问题的中心是——你


小梨 • 减少食物浪费


大李只吃糖 • 转自B站吉利羊的评论

没有浪费就没有再生产,这是学环境的同学告诉我的。 尽管发达国家存在严重的粮食浪费,但发达国家的粮食生

Qin. • 不要浪费食物

结合纪录片和我自己的观点的话,不浪费食物的原因有: 1. 浪费食物会破坏环境: 人类开垦了大面积的荒