污点The Taint(2010)

又名:感染 / 粪怒的小鸟


主演:Drew Bolduc Colleen Walsh Cody Crenshaw 

导演:Drew Bolduc / Dan Nelson / 编剧:Drew Bolduc


水被污染了。污染物会毒害男人的大脑,让他们变得躁狂并且讨厌女人,让他们变成只知道用石头(或者其它东西)来碾碎女人大脑的怪物。当社会充斥着残酷暴力和无情暴行,就是时候由Phil O'Ginny和他的火辣助手Misandra来与“污染物”这个可怕的魔鬼战斗了。他们能在这个充斥着阉割与爆头的世界生存下来吗?
Plot Summary:The water is tainted. The Taint poisons the minds of men. It turns them into raging misogynists: monsters who want nothing more than to crush women's heads with rocks (or other objects). When society is transformed into a land of sadistic violence and horrible brutality, it is up to Phil O'Ginny and his hot friend, Misandra, to combat the horrible evil that is The Taint. Can they survive a world brimming with castration and endless head crushing?!


jacky • 实质也就是一部美国学生自娱自乐的山寨摄影而已

不过是一群美国学生(可能是高中生)自娱自乐的山寨摄影而已。从中可见以下几点: 1、美国高中生很闲,