一次截停Random Stop(2014)


主演:Geoffrey Kennedy 布莱恩·克劳斯 

导演:Benjamin Arfmann / 


1998年1月12日,美国洲际公路边上,编号371081的警察正百无聊赖站在路边嗑瓜子。这时,同事泰德呼叫他,告诉他妻子打来了电话。警察谢了同事,坐进警车和妻子聊起来。他们不久前刚刚得了可爱的生命,他一边和妻子互诉衷肠,一边翻看不久前刚刚拍完的照片。结束通话没多久,三辆车从他身边呼啸而过,其中一辆红色皮卡疯狂超车,危险驾驶。警察连忙发动警车追了上去,皮卡偏离州际公路,停在一条乡间小道上。皮卡司机完全不听警察的警告,自诩是越战老兵,绝不害怕任何人。他挑衅谩骂,双方情绪越来越激动,剑拔弩张。就在此时,枪声响起……   本片根据真实事件改编。
Plot Summary:"Random Stop" is a first-person P.O.V. recreation of events from the life of a highway patrolman. The film is based on the true story of Sheriff's Deputy Kyle Dinkheller who - at the end of a shift - pulled over a speeding pickup truck driven by disturbed Vietnam veteran, Andrew Brannan. The results of this routine traffic stop were both tragic and deadly. Footage of the stop is now used in police training throughout the world. Told from an incredibly unique perspective, "Random Stop" gives viewers unprecedented insight into the dangers that law enforcement officers face daily. It is a deeply visceral and highly emotional experience that is difficult to ignore or forget.


natewayne • “限制级”学生作品《一次截停》,不是单纯的还原事件与感官的真实,而是探求真相的好片子
