重获新生 第二季Life(2008)

又名:刑警重生 第二季 / 终生惩戒 第二季

主演:戴米恩·路易斯 莎拉·夏希 

导演:Daniel Sackheim / 编剧:Rand Ravich

重获新生 第二季:剧情介绍

该剧用了一个极其简单的词语来作为标题,原本以为它反映的也是生活的琐事,但没想到是一部警匪剧……这部电视剧的主角是遭人诬陷、含冤入狱长达数年的Charlie Crews侦探。在红颜知己、律师Constance Griffiths的帮助下,他终于洗脱罪名,重回警队。Charlie Crews个性复杂,做事不喜欢拘泥于规则,因此一开始与做事严谨、对一切事实都抱有怀疑态度的新搭档总是搞不好关系。但两人联手破获了数起要案之后,对彼此的看法有了本质的改变。两人的上司是一个硬派人物,让两人吃尽了苦头。   燕迹秦清添加。
Plot Summary:Detectives Reese and Crews investigate what is obviously a serial killer. On the first day, they find three steamer trunks - appropriately numbered 1, 2 and 3 - with each containing the body of a recently deceased individual. The autopsies confirm that all three were alive when they went into the trunks and subsequently suffocated in their enclosed environment. They know they have a bigger problem on their hands when a store owner tells them he recently sold 10 identical trunks to one person. The squad gets a new Lieutenant, a transplanted New Yorker. Charlie Crews hasn't given up on solving his own case and continues his search for Rachel Seybolt.

重获新生 第二季的影评列表

gadget2k • 已经播了9集,有点失望


奥莉薇亚·圈子 • 最终还是被砍了~详见网页


三島小熊 • 很迷笛,很人生,很ZEN, SS被安排了个巨恶心的男配角

已经有了大棉作搭档就很好了( 两人互动有时就像 sheldon和Penny,在互相调戏、互相 tea