忍者鲨2:变种来袭Ninja Sharks 2: Mutants Rising(2021)

又名:忍者鲨2之变种来袭 / 忍者鲨番外篇


主演:Andy Dehart Chris Fallows Allen Farmer 

导演:Craig O'Connell / 


《忍者鲨2:变种来袭》(2021)原名《Ninja Sharks 2: Mutants Rising》字幕下载 / 又名《忍者鲨2之变种来袭 / 忍者鲨番外篇》中文字幕下载

Shark experts has discovered three sharks who developed unique and deadly skills. These sharks are situated on three locations. The Tresher shark at the crowded New York coast line, who are only there for excactly 2 weeks. They developed the skill to stun or kill there prey with a tail whiplash. Further down south at the outer banks there is a ship graveyard from WW II which became a artificial reef and is the home for great numbers of sand tiger sharks who developed a stealth adaptation which keeps them motionless in the mercy water. Normally a shark has to keep moving to stay alive, which makes this skill quite unique. On the other side in the pacific/ bering sea a third ninja sharks manifest itself and is called the Salmon shark. There ninja skill is a super heated core, to survive in the freezing cold water. See how they research these species


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