士兵布兰克Soldat blanc(2014)

又名:White Soldier


主演:亚伯拉罕·布拉甲 埃米尔·贝宁 Mike N'Guyen 保罗·斯佩拉 Béléina Win Dominique Engelhardt Clément Roussier 布鲁诺·洛普斯 Terry Pellet François Perache 塞缪尔·巴托林 Emmanuel Scheffer 爱德华·福克雷 

导演:埃瑞克·宗卡 / 编剧:Olivier Lorelle/埃瑞克·宗卡 Erick Zonca


《士兵布兰克》(2014)原名《Soldat blanc》字幕下载 / 又名《White Soldier》中文字幕下载

A muggy Saigon, late 1945. Stationed at a military camp in French Indochina, two young men--Robert and André--become close friends as they share the boredom and excitement of waiting for their first mission. But when they discover that instead of freeing Indochina from foreign aggressors, they will be fighting natives struggling for independence, their friendship is jeopardized. Andre is shattered, but Robert is unfazed. He'll fight any enemy of France, to the death. While Robert is assigned to lead a commando operation against the Viet Minh, Andre chooses to join the freedom fighters. They've chosen their sides, once friends they must now be enemies. Their paths diverge--until the day they come face to face again. At a detention camp for French prisoners, André spots a prisoner who looks a lot like Robert.


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