新・平家物语 静与义经新・平家物語 静と義経(1956)


主演:菅原谦二 清水綋治 淡岛千景 香川京子 船越英二 上原谦 滨口喜博 水户光子 千田是也 胜新太郎 

导演:島耕二 / 


《新・平家物语 静与义经》(1956)原名《新・平家物語 静と義経》字幕下载

Twelfth-century Japan: the Emperor has become a monk and retired to a monastery, while retaining both temporal and spiritual power. At the executive level, however, these powers are very much divided-into the Cloister Court and the Imperial Court. As the monks and ministers struggle for supremacy, a young samurai is making plans to overthrow both.

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