丈夫太多Too Many Husbands(1940)



主演:琪恩·亚瑟 弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 茂文·道格拉斯 哈里·达文波特 桃乐茜·皮特森 梅尔维尔·库珀 埃德加·巴詹南 

导演:韦斯利·鲁格尔斯 / 编剧:索默斯特·毛姆 W. Somerset Maugham/克劳德·比尼恩 Claude Binyon


《丈夫太多》(1940)原名《Too Many Husbands》字幕下载 / 又名《一妻多夫》中文字幕下载

It's been a year since Bill Cardew was declared dead by drowning, and his widow Vicky is now married to his old friend and business partner, Henry Lowndes. When Bill unexpectedly returns from the island where he was marooned, what is Vicky to do? Well, having twice been a rather neglected wife, Vicky finds all the attention from two husbands competing for her favors delightful, and is in no hurry to make a decision...much to the discomfiture of hapless Bill and Henry.


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