By now, there’s no architect in the world unaware of Oscar Niemeyer’s passing, or the legacy he left over his 104 years. In honor of the greatest Brazilian architect of our time, we invite you to enjoy this interesting documentary, which shows how Neimeyer’s work, which changed the paradigm of architecture and went beyond any stereotype, was just as unique as his noble perspect...$唯一一个普里兹克射手座建筑师/悲观主义的哲学观不能更感同身受/印象最深刻的是和柯布西耶合作的那段,当众给足这位“大师”面子,凸显情商/*architects should be a inventor */Cant agree more$他像蒙德里安迷恋直角那样迷恋弧线——“吸引我的是流动、感性的曲线。就像我们国家起伏的山丘,美丽的女人身体,天上的白云和海中的波浪。整个宇宙由曲线组成——爱因斯坦的弧形宇宙。”这位波德莱尔的读者一定也笃信“建筑是文明必要之恶”,那些全玻璃幕墙和双层穹顶美是美,真的太不环保啦~$几乎是一部百岁老人的访谈,却毫不沉闷。尼迈耶真是个有意思的老头儿。大赞哥本哈根建筑电影节,让我们终于有机会在大屏幕看到这些电影。$ 这里有,就是有点卡$真美