An overly curious journalist sits face to face with a resident of the mysterious district of North Shinjuku. One is trying to understand the codes and unspoken truths of a closed community; the other gradually reveals his world. Daisuke Miyazaki (Yamato (California), Tourism, Videophobia) delivers an unorthodox, futuristic sci-fi full of recursive effects and false appearances....$4.5.今年最爱的短片之一。黑白下的新宿在各种光影和气氛之下,扮演着烘托气场甚至是占据主要位置的假想试验。超喜欢的音乐配合他们各种步调,啊啊啊,真的希望有长片继续强化这种效应,使之失衡。$想永远地滞留在未来/躲进只有黑与白的北新宿。$+0.5 原作:漢a.k.a.GAMI 音乐:菊地成孔$3.5$#FNC2021