George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley. Despite her own desperate love for Brummel, she submits to family pressure and marries Lord Alvanley. Brummel, broken-hearted, embarks upon a life of revelry. He befriends the Prince of Wales and leaves the army, becoming subsequently the best-known rake and decider of fashion ...$当凄美的爱情故事看还是相当耐看的,错乱老年有几分Mr. Hyde的感觉。John Barrymore太帅了,配上18世纪英国上流社会行头真是骚没边儿了【古早你坞好喜欢“今生不成来生相聚”的强行HE结尾哦】$"Death kills but once-- Life kills many times." 儘管因愛而起,追求名利的復仇遲早會脫離愛情本身,在最終失去一切時才能回歸初衷。$感谢影史回眸布鲁梅尔略狗血的一生$男主角命运太惨了,看不下去了$传记电影吧。我很想看他怎么施展魅力,可惜啊,没有。还没乔治胖子来的刻画大。