This spectacular five-part series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence – that we are the product of catastrophe. Using the latest CGI effects and featuring scientific experts, the series reveals how the evolution of life on Earth has been shaped by leth...$五集,每集对应一次生物大灭绝事件……一边看一边忍不住想,将来会是谁来讲第六集的故事呢?$B站可看$很早之前油管上看的,地球起源里最好看的一部,与现实数据让人产生直观感受。生命出现过程中看似无数次的意外,毁灭和灾难,却能次次绝处逢生,创造新机会和新的生命支线。偶然中诞生,奋斗中前进才是生命的意义。$人类不是幸运,而是不幸还没到来