Luisa experiences a range of emotions in dancing with Ernesto. She wants to give in and also run away. She wants to cry and also cherish her joy. Is it convenience or love? A single mother to twin girls, Luisa struggles to rebuild her life after the loss of her husband and brother in a car crash. Ernesto is everything she needs and yet he is also smothering. Luisa starts to tal...$看完很愤怒!$一个莫名的译名毁了整部电影的意味,还是原片名更符合电影气质,虽然看起来太煎熬了,但是觉得导演很注重美感,黑白摄影之美令片子些些许许活过来一点点。$3.5$有点像小津安二郎,很有味道。$印象不深