Finally released with a copyright date of 1976, this film shows the much earlier 1961-1962 Tour de France races. An early project of Louis Malle who only later would become known as a major International film director. This "Essay" comes complete with a voice-over narration - dubbed into English in this version. Some commercial sponsor vehicles were almost transformed into para...$纪录短片都可以拍的这么有意思。配乐、剪辑都极佳。看到最后很是感动。$环法的转播要是有路易马勒的调度水平多好啊。当年的环法真是好看,没有功率计,没有码表,没有精心调配的能量胶和运动饮料,虽然不那么“纯粹”,但是丰富、自由,场内外有充分的互动。不过现在的比赛倒远较当年安全,看了之后意识到Simpson的去世、Merckx的晕厥并非完全因为个人的执着,在当年也许是常态。而且比利牛斯、阿尔卑斯山脉还在,Mont ventoux,Galibier,Alp D’Huez,鲁贝...$运动的镜头,欢快的剪辑。$镜头有趣 人民淳朴$当年的环法真好看。现在也就最后10公里的集团冲刺能看看了