The film is the story of the repercussions that have happened to a boy - a child artist who once played girl roles in films as Baby Kusum - once he becomes an adult and wants to be launched as a hero. Baby Kusum is a child star, a cute little girl. In reality, Baby Kusum is a boy, masquerading as a girl. He was named Jerry, and then renamed Master Jai for the movies. He and his...$开始意识流的挺不错的,可是剧情不咋样啊!【我是咱豆瓣第一个吃螃蟹的人?真心迷茫.....$女主角挺漂亮的$画面挺好看的,镜头运用得不错,可是不知道在说什么……百度又在扯淡什么谋杀案了……我觉得是母亲有恋子情节,把儿子管得很紧过分溺爱还逼他去演女角,逼得儿子分不清自己男女,最后挥刀自宫获得解脱的故事……