Remake of the hit 1960's television show. In the 21st century, Jeff Tracy, a former astronaut, amasses a colossal fortune and decides that he must use it to benefit others. His answer to this desire is to create International Rescue, a unique private emergency response service equipped with customized designed vehicles and equipment that enable the organization to react to any ...$为了保留当年的影像质感 影片全面采用了微缩模型来制作场景 部分集数场景的复杂度并不亚于电影 而人物虽然采用CG 但是也最大程度地保留了人偶的外观(当然。。也挺省钱 毕竟做微缩很贵)$不错,画面精致,剧情也刺激$B$你全家都叫tracy