During the outbreak of SARS in 2003, China, doctor Li Shan finds out that the government tries to hide the serious situation by announcing SARS being regular pneumonia. After getting suspended, Li Shan manages to steal the blood sample from a patient and to sneak into the lab and finally reveals the truth to the public. 国产电视连续剧水平$故事还有视听语言方面都比较保守$非典为背景 先隐瞒再曝光 片中的一些上层的决定和对外公布的信息似乎和咱正在经历的有点像..$偶然看到的片子,惊了!预言家吧,既视感太强了。但为什么18年的片子拍出了一种98年的风格?$很不错