Amy Katz is murdered whilst taking part in a clinical trial for anti-depressant drugs, overseen by Dr. Alex Gansa, her psychiatrist following her soldier brother's death in Afghanistan. Amy captivated the other young male volunteers, including love-lorn Adam Douglas and Jack Collins - to the intense hatred of Jack's girlfriend Karen - but Amy was in love with the married Gansa....$狐狸哥明明就长得很奇怪,但就是会越看越帅越看越赞口水哗啦啦!粗粝的声线草鸡性感!吸烟的动作草鸡性感!拜托一定至少要是个BI哦!PS. 牛津多变态,入学需谨慎……$Thomas Sangster的客串! 男主真是出轨一次终身嫌疑。这集是靠死光嫌疑人来排查的,反正我是没推理出来。【海瑟薇:长官我一点都不想管大人谈恋爱,大家好好验尸审讯可以吗。$Shetland男主是主要嫌疑人,然後有Thomas弟弟跟到處客串的Christina Cole……When the sieve turned round and round, And every one cried, “You ’ll be drowned!”$对刘易斯和法医的感情线真的半点也不感冒。海瑟薇丑帅丑帅的,荷尔蒙爆棚!$九成谋杀凶手是男性,nonononono,Lewis反过来了。This is where you say well done Hathaway. 哈哈哈,你要笑死我,求表扬的Hathaway。