曼努尔的欲望Manoel dans l'île des merveilles(1984)



又名:Manuel on the Island of Wonders / Manoel's Destinies / Les Destins De Manoel

主演:Ruben de Freitas 特丽莎·马德鲁加 Fernando Heitor Marco Paulo de Freitas Diogo Dória Cecília Guimarães Vasco Pimentel José de Freitas Aurélie Chazelle Miguel Silva Pedro M. Ruivo Pedro Fernandes Clara Rolim Luis Gaspar da Silva Tony Jessen Isabel Branco 

导演:Raoul Ruiz / 编剧:若昂·伯特洛 João Botelho/Leonor Pinhão/拉乌·鲁兹 Raoul Ruiz




  This three part French TV serial for children (alternate versions exist as a feature, Manoel's Destinies, and a 4 part Portuguese TV serial, Adventure in Madeira) is the favourite of many devotees of Raúl Ruiz. This is because it ties the enchantment and mystery of Lewis Carroll, Carlo Collodi and the Brothers Grimm to the filmmaker's experiments with narrative strategies and w...$RaoulRuiz 的儿童电影,如果画质更佳的话有些地方看起来会更精彩。配乐非常强大,对经典童话的自我发挥非常独到,音乐尤为出彩,灵动诡谲妖异绮丽皆有。Ruiz及儿童剧的爱好者可以看看。$为什么上世纪的儿童剧都这么牛逼$Telling a story ex posto; doppelgänger, bodily existence; deciphering coded messages.$前两段很赞 第三段直接把人看昏$一直在寻找这样的梦境


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