Two middle-aged, lesbian couples accidentally kill a younger lesbian and hide the body, without reporting it to the authorities. Their guilt and long-kept, dark secret comes back to haunt them, as an unexpected stranger shows up in their lives, bringing tension and discord. Little do they know that this mysterious stranger has a plan which includes all four of them. 用纪录采访的形式(将角色与扮演角色的演员自述同时进行),在讲述一桩谋杀案/复仇故事之外,重点在于讨论LGBT群体的互相关系(谋杀象征着一种「秘密」,而最后谋杀案被揭露,同谋者被以暴易暴则象征着关系的破裂——原因更多在与群体成员间的各有打算与狗血情感纠葛,暴力伤害则来自于同群体)。「猫头鹰」是一种被视为「邪恶」与杂糅的标签,本片也同样只能在LGBT群体内部展开讨论,异性恋无论如何的观点都是错误的。$有点伪纪录片风格,讲了俩中年拉拉杀害了一个年轻的拉拉然后藏尸的故事,但实话实说,拍得有点杂乱,也没建立起来悬疑感