In the Summer of 1965 a young man is filled with the life of the idyllic old pearling port Broome - fishing, hanging out with his mates and his girl. However his mother returns him to the religious mission for further schooling. After being punished for an act of youthful rebellion, he runs away from the mission on a journey that ultimately leads him back home. 三星全部給音樂~$没意思,剧情狗血,歌舞也缺少变化$疯掉了,下IN THIS WORLD 的资源竟然是这部~!!$里面的歌还真不错$男孩成长录之澳洲土著版。情窦初开、天性与人制的抗争(母亲的期望、教会学校、神职的禁忌)、公路旅行(流浪汉、嬉皮、听天由命、诱惑)、现代社会里土著人的尴尬地位、为爱情和理想的战斗。剧情缺乏新意,歌和剧情脱节,连风光片也算不上。【那金发碧眼的小德国佬怎么可能是土著娘的娃捏?乱演!】