Red Crow Mi'gMaq reservation, 1976: By government decree, every Indian child under the age of 18 must attend residential school. In the kingdom of the crow, that means imprisonment at St. Dymphna's. That means being at the mercy of "Popper", the sadistic Indian agent who runs the school. 加拿大电影普遍有一种缺钱的美学$16:9的荧幕简直太对得上这部电影的美学了 色调 灯光都很赞 故事大概就是一个土著复仇的故事 确实residental school那段历史太黑暗了 片子里一直用indian这个词 土著自己也用这个词 估计应该是为了符合当时的语境? 现在这个词是敏感又忌讳的 里面的土著女孩真美 很多大麻特写镜头超赞 土著的大麻 烟叶也格外高端 还泡的威士忌 哈哈 土著其实很善良单纯的 住的地方路上经常遇到陌生人打...$太难受了$有些镜头太赤裸裸啦!比如一开头小男孩的脑袋被碾过,最后警长被爆头……老爹的逻辑太神,理解不能。其实我好喜欢中间老奶奶讲狼与蘑菇故事时的动画。特别工业重金属!小女孩短头发之后好帅气!不过话说真的是太奇怪了,感觉本来想要讨论土著和白人的恩怨,结果最后怎么变成学校残害小孩了……$Rhymes for Young Ghouls (2013) “Exiles” indigenous people as drunk, drug dealers, ghosts, but comes within context that education aims toward assimilation, which desperately equals to death. Our goal ...