A husband murders his wife, and years later her ghost emerges from a witch's mirror to take her revenge. A benevolent witch (Isabela Corona) enchants a magic mirror to protect her adopted daughter Elena (Dina de Marco) from her cruel husband (Armando Calvo). When the incantation fails and the girl is murdered, the witch vows revenge using every unholy principle of the supernatu...$前半段巫术鬼宅,后半段转而跟风《没有面孔的眼睛》,最终变成《奥拉克之手》,缺乏原创性,但不失为一个精彩的融梗剧本。有趣的是,女巫、亡灵和恶魔都是以“惩罚者”的正派身份出现的,无辜受害的后妻陷入万劫不复,这种设定出现在60年代令人难以想象。$<$在现在来看是一点也不恐怖,可是放在以前来看,真不错~$这是墨西哥最棒的恐怖片,我买了一张西班牙regia films 公司发行的DVD,这片值得收藏正版$B