It's September, 1915. Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe have been engaged for some time, but life seems to always get in the way of them actually getting married. They eventually want to resettle back in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, despite Green Gables' dilapidated condition and the fact that they do not own it. But their latest detour takes them to New York City as Gilbert's ...$在我心中最棒最棒的电视剧 超越现在所有的垃圾电影 中国电影应该反思反思$女主没保养好 岁月果然是把杀猪刀。。$第一二部最好了,这一部好闷……$结局真好 看的原著 书里的安妮一度让我沉迷$安追随吉尔到了新地方,准备开创新事业,然而理想遭遇冲击,一切不尽如人意,他们选择回到故乡,绿山墙永远是他们心安之处。这不是逃避,而是做正确的选择。就像吉尔投身战场,安踏上千里寻夫之路,是善良和爱让他们不停往前,惧怕每一次分离,但坚信每一次选择。故事到了这里已经不是清秀佳人,而是乱世佳人。故事的结尾又回到了开头,安在火车站转角悄悄瞥见多米尼克,就像马修把她这个孤儿接回家,从此他们都有了家。时...