This fascinating documentary will tell the story of that momentous day, 30 January 1965, when Britain laid its most famous statesman to rest. In the programme, Jeremy Paxman meets a wide range of people who were involved in the events of that day – from soldiers who bore the coffin, to members of Churchill’s family. He also hears from Boris Johnson, author of a new book on Chur...$葬礼过程很动人,时势造英雄$对于丘吉尔其人并未多加直接的赞美颂扬,但整整六十分钟都围绕着他怎么死的与葬礼怎样——而对其“伟大的”政治业绩的提及十分简略,这实在无甚趣味与意义,而且过于渲染葬礼的庄严隆重与一部分民众对其的崇敬(对于他,基本的尊重当然是每个人都该的)。其实,这些对于此前此后的人类历史毫无重要性。$其人已衰,袍泽亦哀;其人已去,山河亦悲,一代英才丘吉尔的晚年,他的死,他的葬礼$英国人最擅长操办各种庆典仪式.. 虽然对丘吉尔毫无好感..$他值得!