"The Bolivian fiction feature Yawar Mallku is one of the most famous examples of Latin American militant cinema. Like most of these American militant films, this one was made on a modest budget in spite of major obstacles. Bolivia has no significant filmmaking traditions or facilities. Mules had to be used to transport the filmmakers and their equipment to a high and remote Ind...$三星半。难得看到了一点现代性,配乐仍然具有不易把握的南美特色。外部资本与地方社群的矛盾$2018083 二星还行$三星半,虽说是third cinema,可是里面很多元素还是容易联想到好莱坞以及艺术电影$很不错。体现种族歧视到挺极致的一部影片。其实和不理解也是双向的。总有人要用鲜血来买单,然而其中更多的还是被认为是弱势种族而没有地位和权益保障的人们。$電影用了兩條敘事線展現出印第安人的封閉和卑微。電影裡頭的表述跟柏楊在《醜陋的中國人》中對印第安人的敘述不謀而合。PS:南美電影的節奏太難把握,以後先少看。